Hi, my name is Bilal Hussain

I'm a Full Stack Web Developer with expertise in React & Node.js

Bilal Hussain Portfoilo Image

Latest projects

Maldini Fashion

React.js | SSR | Ecommerce

Single page web app made with react and redux from scratch. The store has a login system, cart, review, sorting & search functionality. There is a PayPal sandbox integration as well, which can be converted to an actual PayPal gateway.

project 1


Next.js | Chat | Sockets |Social App

I implemented a realtime chat application using web sockets and firebase to allow users in communities to talk to each other and plan activities. I also implemented features to create group communities and create posts for communities.

project 5

Expense Manager

React | SCSS | Firebase | Authentication

A small expense app built to manage daily expenses and income, this app calculates the total amount spent and the remaining balance.

project 2

Omni Food

HTML | Responsive | Design

A landing page built for Omni Food Restaurant, the page is fully responsive and has responsive images. It is built with pure HTML, CSS, and bootstrap. The Page features some small animations and transitions as well.

project 3

What i do.

Development of SPA

Need a single-page app with responsive UI?. I can make beautiful web apps in React based on your design,or improve old designs to look modern and beautiful.


I can create REST APIs from scratch. I will provide login authentications, file management, database schema, database maintenance.

Web design and development

Do you need a fully customized web with impressive UI and UX? look no more i create beautiful web sites and web apps that scale and are SEO friendly.

My Tech Stack











Just say hi.

I am available to discuss your project details and help you with your web app design and development.

Email me at